Monday, January 3, 2011

diploid triploid mosaic

Since my last post, my daughter Lola was diagnosed with a rare chromosome disorder called diploid triploid mosaic.
She is 2 and a half doing well but still does not walk talk or crawl, she is very smart and bright littl girl but had seriously low muscle tone and barely bares weight.
We have been on telly here in Ireland looking for answers on her condition ,we havent met a doctor yet who has heard of her condition.


  1. my niece is nearly 8yrs old ,,,,she has been tested for this disorder many times and keeps coming up clear ,yet genentics say at some stage she will be diagnosed and tell us to the are satisfied thatt she a has this disorder.
    Shauna has no mobility ,she doesnt walk sit crawl roll all the things a baby can do,,,her wheelchair is her life line...
    She is a happy girl ,developemental delay but gives it her best ,,
    Its not a condition thats known but there seems to be more kids been diagnosed ,,,,
    our explanation was she was a baby that should have been miscarried ,,her condition was at conception ,,,,,and only until she was born it came to light ,,,
    she is the life and soul of everything,,,,,
    enjoy your little girl as we do Shauna ...
